Not Businesses At All

The idea that the federal government can run a public health care system well is laughable. Find someone who would,if they had the choice, choose to “invest” their retirement money in social security, and that person and his two friends ought to be the ones to fund pubic health care for any takers. Obama is culpably foolish when he says that a public option ought to be available to compete with private health care, when anyone who has come within five feet of reading Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson knows that the one thing governments don’t do is compete. If they did, your social security dollars wouldn’t be spent on programs (and therefore non-existent nor recoverable in the foreseeable future), government controlled education wouldn’t cost way more per student with much worse results than private education (though of course anyone schooling their children are paying double, both for the public schools they don’t use and the private ones they do), and the US Postal Service would be more efficient than their “competitors” or have gone out of business.

What do all of these government run “businesses” have in common? They’re not businesses at all or else they would cease to exist because they simply don’t compete but rather are backed with more government allotted greenbacks. I know lots of people who need but can’t afford health care. Instead of making the system worse for everyone, I suggest those who would vote for other people to pay into the public system simply give their money to those who need services. This way money would be allotted, case by case, without the inefficiencies of bureaucracy. All you have to do is find your nearest food bank and I guarantee you’ll into those 30 million uninsured Americans who could genuinely use the care.

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